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Non-repayable grants and subsidized financing for internationalization

One of the main advantages of working with us is the certainty of having by your side not only an experienced partner in internationalization strategy and the organization of effective commercial missions, but also a consulting firm that boasts solid collaborations with experts in crucial sectors for business growth, such as facilitated finance.

To ensure our clients receive comprehensive and proactive support in this vital area, we rely on a network of financial specialists, experts in the mechanisms of economic support dedicated to international expansion. We collaborate closely with professionals who possess deep knowledge and expertise in accessing strategic funds such as Simest and Sace contributions. These financing instruments are essential for supporting companies in their qualitative development towards foreign markets, offering essential resources to cover costs related to promotion, product localization, participation in international fairs, and more.

Carretta & Partners’ ability to navigate the complex landscape of non-repayable grants and subsidized financing transforms financial challenges into tangible opportunities.

If you do not have your own reference in facilitated finance, expert in measures to support companies’ internationalization projects, or if you want a comparison on this aspect, we can provide you with personalized consultancy.

You will receive support that will allow you to identify the best financing routes, thus maximizing the chances of success for your company in the global market. With our support, you can access valuable resources that will enhance your international development, minimizing financial impact, and accelerating your expansion.

With us, every aspect of your journey towards internationalization is managed with care and precision, ensuring that every resource is optimized for maximum return on investment. Your international expansion is not just a project, but a concrete and well-supported reality.

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